When is homework due?

Homework will be checked everyday, but it will not be considered incomplete until Friday. Students may turn in completed homework at any time during the week. We realize that different families have different schedules, so do what works best for your family.

What's the deal with the green folder?

Green folders will come home Monday-Thursday. Behavior charts, homework journals, completed work and important school news will come home in the green folder. The green folder needs to be brought back to school every day. Please check the green folder daily, and remove any papers that are sent home. If you have anything that you want me to see (absent note, field trip money, etc) please put it in the green folder.

What should I do if my child is absent?

Please send in a note explaining why your child was absent. You can put the note in your child's green folder and I will forward the note to the main office.

Do you have snack time?

Yes. We will break for snack at about 10:45am. Students are responsible for bringing their own snack each day. Soda and candy are not allowed.  Although we encourage healthy snacks, such as fruit or veggies, your decision on what snack to send will be respected (but please, no soda or candy. Thanks!).

How can I celebrate my child's birthday?

You may bring cupcakes or treats to class for students to share during snack time. As per WCPSS policy, all items must be store bought (no home baked goods). Please contact me ahead of time to let me know that you plan to bring something to the class.

How do I set up a conference?

Just send me an email. I try to be very flexible when it comes to arranging conferences. I would like to meet with all of my parents by the end of October. If something comes up during the year that you would like to discuss with me in person, just let me know and we will set it up.